Staff Spotlight: Eliseida Fortes
In light of the expansion of the Analita Boutiques in recent months, we caught up with manager Eliseida Fortes to find out how she found herself at the helm of the popular Boulevard stores and what she loves most about it.
1. How long have you been manager of the Boutique?
I’ve been a manager of the Boutiques for two and a half years.
2. What did you do before you worked at the Boutique?
I was administrative assistant in Lisbon, Portugal.
3. What do you love most about your job?
I love to meet new people and share in their holiday experiences. I also like to find new suppliers with the latest designs and good prices to pass onto our clients.
4. What has been your proudest moment so far?
My proudest moment has been seeing the shop go from one store on MELIÃ Dunas Beach Resort & Spa to four across our Resorts.
5. What kind of thing do customers ask you to help with?
Aside from fashion advice and help with the best holiday pieces, visitors ask about the restaurants in Santa Maria and the places that they can visit on Sal Island. We also help clients who ask about changing Euros to escudos.
6. Which key item do you think people should always bring to Cape Verde?
I think the clients should always bring sun protection and a good hat so they can enjoy the sun with no stress.
7. What do you stock in the store?
We have fashionable apparel for women and men, including shoes and bags. We stock all the beach products – bikinis, sunglasses, suncream, after-sun, towels, flip-flops and much more – as well as personal products, like toothpaste, toothbrushes, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and body cream.
8. Which item do people purchase the most?
I’d say most people purchase sun protection because it really does shine all the time here.
9. Do you have a favourite piece?
My favourite piece is the bikini. It might be an obvious choice but it’s an essential here!
10. What happens at the catwalk?
Friday is a special day in our company. The relaxed afternoon setting of the catwalk allows holidaymakers to see all the products we have in the stores and they’re always excited to see our staff do the Fashion Show.
11. Do people come and visit after they’ve seen the catwalk?
People always come and visit after the catwalk, usually to buy something beautiful they’ve spotted; something they feel will fit their style. We help all our clients find a look they’ll love and feel comfortable in.
12. What’s next for the Analita Boutique?
Our next project will be our website sales, initially for the whole of Cape Verde and in future, internationally.
For more information about our integrated businesses, contact us today via our contact form.