Cape Verde Prime Minister meets with the Board
In a move that sees even greater collaboration between The Resort Group and the Cape Verdean government, our board of directors recently met with Prime Minister José Maria Neves in the capital city, Praia on the island of Santiago. As we forge forward with more developments across Cape Verde, it’s essential that we do so in a way that benefits both the community on the islands and the people who govern it.
Attendees included Non-Executive Chairman, Sir Peter Middleton GCB, Rob Jarrett, Chief Executive Officer and representatives from international specialist banking and asset management group Investec. Also present for the meeting was Andrew Scott, Chief Financial Officer, Charlie King, Chief Operating Officer, and Keith Bayliss and Philip Johnston, who both act as Non-Executive Directors.
After introductions, the group discussed our continued support and strong relationship with the government to help progress Cape Verde and the long-term success for projects currently under construction. This includes White Sands Hotel & Spa on Boa Vista.
This is one step in a long-lasting plan to help integrate The Resort Group’s developments with the aspirations of the Cape Verdean government, which will help ensure stable growth for the islands and safe investments for The Resort Group.